The Police Holy Name Society of Suffolk County is committed to helping its members grow in holiness through devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus. Members of this fraternity are called to be leaders, to cleanse themselves in the sacrament of penance, strengthen themselves with the most Holy Eucharist, nourish their souls on Sacred Scripture, increase their desire for divine love through prayer, and lead their families, friends, and coworkers to Christ Jesus by their acts of charity and piety.
If you are a Catholic Law Enforcement Professional, with juristiction within Suffolk County, NY and are over the age of 18, please consider joining the Police Holy Name Society of Suffolk County – join your prayers with others so that the Most Holy Name of Jesus can be venerated – our prayers will be heard!
The Confraternity of the Most Holy Names of God and Jesus (Holy Name Society) promotes reverence for the Sacred Names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. Members are called to contribute to the evangelization mission of the Church and to make perpetual acts of reverence and love for our Lord and Savior. The apostolate of the society is to assist in parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy: to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless, tend the sick, visit those in prison, and bury the dead; as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy: to convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, counsel the wayward, comfort the sorrowing, bear adversity patiently, forgive offenses, and pray for the living and the dead.
Membership in the Holy Name Society is open to all Catholic Law Enforcement Professionals with juristiction within Suffolk County, NY, who are over the age of 18. They must be firm believers in all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches and put these teachings into practice in their daily lives. These beliefs of the Catholic faith are expressed in the Credo of the People of God, Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, Solemni Hac Liturgia (Credo Of The People Of God) Of The Supreme Pontiff Paul VI, June 30, 1968
The PHNS of SC, with permission of the NAHNS, is now accepting membership applications from law enforcement professionals of other Christian faiths with jusristiction within Suffolk County, NY. The only provision for members meeting this type of membership in the Society is that they may not serve on the Executive Board.
Society Dues and Benefits
Membership dues are only $78.00 per year for Active Membership. If you are a Suffolk County employee your dues can be automatically deducted by payroll deduction at $3.00 per pay period. Once an Active Member retires, the member can decide to continue his membership with the Society with a one time payment of $100.00 for Lifetime Membership.
We offer monthly Open Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at no cost to the member. In May, our Open Meeting is replaced with our Annual Mass and Communion Breakfast. There is no cost for the Breakfast for the membership and a member may invite one guest at half-price. There are no meetings during the months of July and August when we take a Summer Recess. However, we do sponsor a Family Night at The Ballpark where an entire section at Ducks Stadium in Central Islip is reserved for our members, their family and friends and a very minimal cost. The price of the ticket includes "Duck Bills" which can be spent on any item in the ballpark. Open Meetings resume in September. At the November Meeting we raffle off 12 Thanksgiving Turkeys and 6 "Thanksgiving Fixins" gift cards. Also in November we sponsored a trip to West Point to watch ARMY vs. Air Force. The trip included breakfast, a full hot and cold catered lunch, all beverages, tickets to the game in reserved seating and all transportation. Our December Open Meeting is a formal Christmas Dinner where we celebrate the Season of Advent and prepare for Christmas.
The Society also has an active and generous Scholarship Program where scholarships are presented to the dependents of our members. In 2018 the Society awarded $8,500.00 in Scholarship Grants. In 2019 the Society will also be presenting two Military Scholarships to Active Duty Military Service Men and Women who are dependents of our members. These Military Scholarships are intended to assist the service man or woman, and their family, as they sacrifice so much for our benefit.
In Summary
Be proud of your Catholic or Christian faith and come join us! In an ever changing world that presents new and more challenging problems this is where your faith sustains you. When contractual benefits, financial planning and job entitlements don't quite meet or cover a problem you, or a family member, may be facing or enduring, that is where The PHNS of SC comes in, to offer solace, comfort and help.
Download a Membership Application on the FORMS page today and mail it in, we'll take care of the rest.
"We're More Than a Fraternal Organization"
God Bless